Wiseman “Classic” Bassoon Case – Storage Mod!

The Wiseman bassoon case is a wonderful product. Super light, ultra compact and way cooler than a standard case. BUT, it really lacks storage for things like reed tools, music clips. The company provides an optional leather pouch which buckles around the case, but this adds time to put on and take off whenever you need to open the case. I found a quick and easy to make way to add storage to the Wiseman case. (Note this is for the Classic case and not the Carbon Fiber version)




All you need to perform this mod is

  • a set of 5/8″ snaps from the craft store
  • a cover for a standard sized flute case.

For my mod, I found a Gemeinhardt Soft Leather Case Cover (15.5” x 4” x 2”) which I purchased used for only $15 on eBay.

Once you have the flute case and snaps, just find the three holes indicated above on the Wiseman case. The location of these holes matches nicely with the dimensions of a flute case. Install three snaps to the back of the flute case (you’ll need to poke holes through the flute case in the correct places). Once you’ve added the snaps, the flute case can be quickly attached to (or removed from) the Wiseman case and used for a bit of extra storage when needed.









Comments & Responses

2 Responses so far.

  1. Jen Scott says:

    Hey there, Are you selling this wiseman bassoon case? If you are I’d be interested to buy it.
    Many thanks

  2. J W says:

    Sorry, Jen. I am making good use of the case at the moment. I just added another tiny mod, which is little strips of velcro on the side edges to hold the straps away when putting the instrument in/out. It is a great and compact case! Best of luck finding one yourself 🙂

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