Monthly Archives: March 2018

Vacuum Tube Display Idea

One easy and inexpensive radio-geeky thing that you can do that your significant other *might* let you display in the living room is a display of vacuum tubes. My original display was just a piece of bannister with some sockets glued into it so I could switch out with cooler tubes when I found them. […]

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The Google Orchestra – making music with my coworkers!

One of the unexpected pleasures of working at Google was the ability to make music with my coworkers. I’ve assisted the group since they were incarnated back in May 2016 and watched it grow from a small chamber orchestra with about 30 musicians, to a full fledged ensemble with over 65 performers. Here we are […]

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I get paid for this?

Its always good when your work can be doing something that you love. For me one of these things is definitely radio. So when I got a chance to help Google with some of their wireless projects, I dropped everything and jumped at the chance. After two years, there have been many moments where I […]

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